About Us
Bryant's Produce Market is located on our 150 acre farm nestled in rural Eastern Jefferson County. We are family owned and operated. Everything we sell, we grow or make right here on the farm. Run by David Bryant & his Niece Danielle on land & inside the home previously owned by his great grandmother, the farm specializes farm fresh produce, herbs, lamb, honey, free range eggs, jellies & jams, and so much more.
We have a commitment to sustainability, not only to the land, but to ourselves and to those around us. Every fruit and vegetable is grown with dedication, love, and good oldafashioned Kentucky soil.
Our commitment is simple a to provide only the best.
We practice organic farming and want you to know that we only grow the highest quality, chemical free produce for ourselves and our customers. We believe that when people eat natural, organic food, they can taste the difference. It's a chain of goodness that begins with healthy soil, and finishes with healthy animals and people.
We consider our customers to be part of our extended family and invite you to join us as we endeavor to build healthier families, communities, and environment.